Friday, 26 October 2012

(supply and demand) Gas Load shedding

Jamal Jan is the writer of this article, he belong to Pakistan. He is telling us about the current and serious problem of Pakistan; Gas load shedding. Due to Gas load-shedding Industries and public transport is being affected because in Pakistan people use CNG for their vehicles. CNG is the type of gas, which is created from normal gas, which we use in our houses; Pakistan use CNG for vehicles since 1992 and the abbreviation of CNG is Compressed Natural Gas.
Pakistan is the country with almost all the natural resources but there is lack of one thing, which is sincerity, government is not sincere with peoples. Government is creating hand-made crises to earn money. Few years ago when the project of CNG announced, Pakistani government forced the people to use CNG kits in their vehicles. Due to shortage of petrol, diesel, and oil crises, whereas easy availability of CNG and its properties like it pollutes the air much lesser than oil, became the factor, which influenced the public with a CNG revolution. People of Pakistan started using CNG in a few years specially the public transport was running on CNG. According to investigation of 2009, there were 2,191000 vehicles using CNG engines/CNG kits and 2941 CNG filling stations are in Pakistan. Because of cheap prices the users of CNG are increasing and there are less people using patrol and diesel. According to the government of Pakistan the main reason behind CNG crises in winter is the excessive use of gas. The gas freezes in the pipes and its pressure became low. There is also increase in the use of CNG vehicles as well, but there is no increase in production. That’s why Pakistan Government continued CNG load shedding in the summer.
The main big problem behind this load shedding is also affecting economy of Pakistan, due to ongoing load-shedding 90% of public transport stop using their vehicles. The Load shedding is continuously going on three days in a week (as of 2011), this cause is not only a great loss to the transport themselves but the life of the local people is also affected. An example of Pakistan’s labor who earn RS 300 a day and pays RS 10 for his trip from home to work but when the CNG is closed he has to pay RS 200 to an auto vehicle, which is running on petrol so it is hard for the labor to take expensive transport and it will be easy for him to stay home. Not only labor it affects all the goods and products because if there is no transport, supply of all the things become 25% and demand is 100% the same. An example of vegetables if the supply of vegetables is low but people have to eat they can’t live without eating so the demand of vegetables will be high as compare to supply. Load shedding of CNG is also creating difficulties for the students to use the public transport and go for their classes.

When supply of vegetables or any goods decrease due to lack of transport than the demand increase and when there is demand of anything than price also increases and increasing prices affects poor people and create problem for them. There is also another situation when price changes demand also changes for example when price falls 20% than the quantity demanded goes up to 40%, so whenever price of product changes there is also change in quantity demanded.
Due to not using of available natural resources, Pakistan economy is facing huge difficulties. Current ongoing load shedding of three days in Punjab is very challenging for the peoples. Peoples particularly from rural and remote areas are facing many troubles, due to traveling to urban areas for their jobs and education. The other issue is that due to load-shedding increasing fares become hard for poor people to pay. There is also black market because some CNG owners continue selling in these three days and earn a lot of money. People of Punjab are suffering due to 3 days of CNG load shedding because they don’t have any other way and if they are moving towards petrol and diesel it cost them more.
According to Ejaz the head of industries in Punjab said that 10 million workers had become unemployed due to gas load shedding. He said that it had become very hard to run industries when there are no resources. The APTMA (All Pakistan textile mill association) leader said that foreigner people are not more interested to come in Pakistan due to these crises. He further said that CNG sector was given gas for five days in a week and local peoples were burning precious gas in heaters and geysers while industry were ignored. All APTMA leader said that Minister of petroleum and natural resources DrAsim hussain had promised them that he will provide them gas for three and half days in a week but this promise could not e fulfilled.                                                                                                                                      
Due to load shedding of gas people of Pakistan are facing a huge problem. The unemployment rate of Pakistan is also high in both rural and urban areas. The reason for this that all the big industries of Pakistan like textile mills and garment factories are closing their business in Pakistan and moving towards another countries because of gas load-shedding they could not run their business properly, even single day of load-shedding causes them millions of loss. Many people say that there is no shortage of gas but government is creating their own crises because they get commission on petrol and diesel so by closing CNG stations the need of petrol increases and also demand of petrol get high and government earn millions of dollars. Government can make gas from coal, which is in Sindh Pakistan, Government is not taking any action and the people of Pakistan are in worst condition and economic of Pakistan is also going down day by day.
Pakistan government should take a part in using natural resources. If they can’t make gas than they should give some subsides on fuel in the days when CNG is closed.

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