Friday, 26 October 2012

Pakistan floods: (Demand and supply)

Pakistan floods: (Demand and supply)

Dean Nelson the writer of this article who wrote this article on16 September 2011 at 7:00 AM BST and he belong to New Dehli India. He tells us about the flood which occurred in Pakistan in 2011,before this in 2010 flood also occurred in Pakistan but this time flood only affected one province of Pakistan, which is Sindh and it affected two million people to flee their homes, all the vital crops were damaged and left millions at risk of disease.
These three months of monsoon rain became worst for people of Sindh, approximately 300 people were died and 400000 homes were destroyed, breached sewerage, pure water canals and left two million people suffering from diseases. Ten districts had been affected; crops of cotton, sugarcane, rice and chilly crops destroyed and herbs of cattle swept away. Three million have left their homes, smaller houses have caved in and in some villages the water level was five feet high; the average annual rainfall in the ten districts is around 150 millimeters per year, but due to flood the rain in three months was 1000 millimeters.
Due to this flood Pakistan faces economic crises. Sindh is agriculture province so all the crops were destroyed. The important crops of Pakistan are cotton, sugarcane, rice and chilly. Cotton is the huge crop of Pakistan, 80% of cotton was destroyed in Sindh and thousands of industries were closed. Industries stopped supplying, all the labor was jobless. The formers and textile millers became worthless, landlord were also in serious situations because they have invested all their money in seeds to grow crops. Every year Pakistan exports millions of cotton bells and earn
                                                                                                                                                      from other countries but due to flood Pakistan couldn’t export. After cotton another huge crop of
Pakistan is rice. Rice of Sindh was totally burned, it is a daily use product because of the situation people face a shortage of rice, not only in Sindh but it also affected people of all four provinces and other countries of world because Pakistan export very big quantity of rice every year. There were no supply of rice and demand was same because of the flood prices were getting high day by day and it was a year of stagflation. Another fast growing crops are sugarcane and chilly, these crops were also affected due to the flood; prices of sugar from 33 per kilogram increased to 75 per kilogram and prices of chilly became double and it also affected international prices as Pakistan is agricultural country and depend fully on agriculture and earn thousands of dollars by exporting these crops and there are many other countries which depend on Pakistan’s agriculture like South Africa, India, Burma and many other middle east countries, due to the worst situations these counties also faced many Economical problems.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           After all these crises people of Sindh were having another big issue which was water inside the houses and they were not having any resources to take it out because all the canals, rivers, and lakes were full of water. Government of Pakistan felt sorry and announced charity for the people and allocate them other places to live until the water goes out, due to the flood formers could not cultivate other products like wheat and many other vegetables for their next session. Wheat is the main source of the people of Pakistan, due to these climate problems the supply of wheat decreased for the next year 2012 and also other vegetables were not cultivated till the next crop to grow. Supply of all the crops which couldn’t be cultivated decreased, but demand of all these crops were same as it use to be before flood because it was getting harder for people to live and with demand prices of all the products were double the actual cost. All the affected crops like vegetables, rice, wheat and cotton; it was costly and hard for government to import from other country.
Finally Pakistan government once again appealed to the whole world for charities to help the people who were not in good condition to survive. Responding to Pakistan’s appeal China announced that they will supply relief goods worth $4.7 million for Pakistan’s flood victims. United Nations (U.N) had also appealed to the whole world for funds and goods for the people of Pakistan. Government of Pakistan took a part and helped the people and subsides them and also international countries help the people with charity of products; which we need in our daily lives. The non-governmental organizations of Pakistan and from other countries helped the families of Sindh, which faced in flood zone. Every person was given RS 10000 per month to survive and
                                                                                                                                                        many schemes were given with the name                                                                                                                                                            of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto the ex-prime minister of Pakistan. International organizations might not be happy with government of Pakistan for its poor and not good arrangement for the next monsoon season after repeated warning to the Pakistani leaders that it might occur in 2013 and 2014 also.
Monsoon has once again proved to be disastrous for Pakistan but no one can stop the floods to occur. Some researchers has also said that Pakistan will again face a flood in the coming next two years. Due to last 2 years flood Pakistan has faced many difficulties and it also affected economy of Pakistan, the rate of poverty is going high and another 2 years are worst for people of Pakistan. So the government of Pakistan should take action and make good arrangements for the coming two years.

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